Frequently Asked Question

Top Questions

How much does Publit Cost?

Publit costs $6.50 per month for our all-in-one plan. We also have an undergraduate student plan that is 25% off ($4.88 per month). We call our single plan “Pro” because it offers a lot of significant and useful features that other companies may call “professional.” Subscriptions are billed annually. We’re very proud that Publit offers incredible value at almost half the cost of any competitor.

Please note that domain registrars (the companies that sell your website address to us) charge annually, so after 11 months and 2 weeks, we will charge you for the following year (so we have enough time on our end to ensure payment to keep your original website address). This gives us two weeks of time to resolve any potential issues that may arise with holding your URL.

For whom is Publit made?

Publit is made for any individual who wants a professionally designed website at a reasonable cost. Graduate students can showcase their research and writing. Undergraduates can share their projects and internships. Professors can share their published works. Journalists can take all of their eclectically published articles and put them in one, comprehensive website. Designers can share links of their body of work.

How can I get in contact with you?

If you have questions, comments, suggestions, or any issue please email If you have paid for a subscription and have any questions or comments related to the website address set up process, please email

Do you have discounts for students?

Yes, we have a 25% discount for undergraduate students that lasts two years. This is about $4.88 per month (billed annually). Based on our research, we appear to have the lowest cost product for the features you receive, but we want to make sure Publit is accessible to as many students as possible, given the financial challenges many students face. After the two-year discount period, students and recent graduates will pay the $6.50 per month rate (billed annually).

What are your cancellation and refund policies?

You are free to cancel whenever you would like, however you will not be eligible for a refund after you have approved of our website address purchase. If you paid for a subscription, which triggers our website address search process, and we are not able to find or agree on your website address, you are entitled to a full refund.

What happens to my website address if I cancel or move on from Publit? Who owns my website address?

While we technically “own” your address as we have purchased it for you, we make it easy to transfer your website address to you. We view our purchasing your website address as “holding your address for you.” If you would like to transfer your website address please email us at to initiate a website domain transfer. Please note that we will charge a one-time fee of $30 to begin the manual process of transferring the selected website URL to a new hosting service controlled by you or your new administrator.

What is the Publit Team’s process for finding my website address?

The Publit Team undertakes a comprehensive website address search across several domain registrars, which sell website addresses to businesses and consumers. Once we have found a match, based on your preferences, we will contact you from to receive written approval from you before purchasing. Once you confirm the website address, we will purchase the URL. After this, we will configure and connect your newly purchased website address to our system. Once connected, you will receive an email from us, and you will be able to publish your website whenever you are ready.

Why should I get a personal website?

Employers, future business partners, prospective clients, and most people will search for you online. Publit powered websites are engineered to improve search engine results for your website address. Having a personal website improves the chances that anyone who searches for you will get the best first impression of you, your passions, and your work experiences.

I already own a website address. What is the process for connecting my website address with Publit’s system?

Once you subscribe to Publit, email us at (or reply back to the email we send you), and let us know that you already own your own website address. We will let you know what steps you should take to facilitate our connecting your website URL with Publit’s Editor.

I represent an academic institution. Do you offer bulk discounts or partnerships with organizations?

Yes, we do. Please contact us at, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Process & How It Works

How long does it take for Publit to acquire a website address for me?

Typically this takes us about a few minutes to an hour depending on how many email exchanges we have. If demand is unusually high, it could take us up to 24 hours. We are in operation 12 hours per day, 7 days each week.

My web address is not available. Will you be able to get it for me?

There are many businesses and individuals who purchase and squat on website addresses that results in inflated website address costs. We will do our best to provide a variety of website address options for you based on your preferences, your name, email, and other information you provide.

What are the step-by-step directions from ‘sign up’ to ‘my site launch’?

On click the “Sign Up” button on the top right. Add your information, then go through the onboarding. Add a list of website address preferences. Let us know if you’re an undergraduate student for a discount, otherwise you’ll get the $6.50 per month pricing (billed annually). Add your payment information if you want your website to go live as soon as possible. If you pay and subscribe, we start the website address search process immediately. If you still want to check out the product, simply click ‘skip’ (you can activate your subscription later in ‘Billing’ when you’re ready). Once you’re in the Editor, you can add your personal information, work information, contact information, color preference, and profile image. Clicking “Live Preview” will allow you to see exactly what your website will be at your website address (once activated). Typically, within a few hours, you will receive an email from to select, discuss, and confirm an available website address. Once you reply to us with a positive confirmation, we will purchase the website address, and connect the website address with the Editor. After this final process on our end, you will receive an email to let you know that you can feel free to publish the contents within the Editor to your selected website address. Clicking “Publish” will launch your website!

How long will it take to launch my website?

Once everything is set up, the process of launching alone only takes a few minutes. Our systems take the contents of your Editor and fits it into our established website design for Publit. In the future, we plan to offer other design templates.

I may have found a bug. How do I let you know?

Please contact us at, and we will address the issue as quickly as possible.

What do you mean that I don’t need any design experience?

We have more than a decade’s worth of modern web and app design experience, and we have used that to create a website design template that effectively balances professionalism, organization, and elegance effectively. All you have to do to create a website is complete the forms and add preferences (e.g. template color). Unlike other website builders, you don’t need to move objects around, think about mobile layouts and desktop sizing, or worry about sections that may break.

What is Iris Analytics, and how can I use this information to help me or my company?

Iris Analytics is your internal analytics tool that allows you to see how many people are visiting your website over a given amount of time. You can use this information to see if actions you take online lead to more website views and subsequent actions that you desire from site visitors. In the future, we plan to build this system to make it even more robust and useful for you.

I tried googling my URL, but I don’t see my website yet. How long does it take for me to see my URL on the first page of Google?

There are many factors that result in improved search results. We have built our system to maximize the potential for your website address to reach closer towards the top. As you add your website address to places like your email signature and social media applications (with more people clicking on those links to find more information about you), your search results will improve gradually over time. This could take weeks to months depending on how unique your website address is among a wide degree of factors.

Product, Features, and Future Updates

Will Publit offer blogging?

Yes. We are internally testing our blogging system and design, and we plan to roll this out in the next few months.

Is there a referral system so I can share Publit with friends?

We will be implementing a referral system in the future that will allow you to receive discounts on future subscription payments.

How is your product so much less expensive than other site builders?

We built the Publit system with cost in mind from the beginning. We believe that spending hundreds of dollars for a personal website is simply too much. By engineering the Publit system with a central editing system that builds out independent, standalone websites, we can accomplish cost-savings that make our system accessible to most people.

What are some future website updates for me to expect?

We plan to release a blogging system, more robust analytics, and more color options next. Beyond that we want to make sure each existing component operates perfectly, which may result in more engineering work for those particular sections. Then we will design and offer new layouts that will allow you to use the same Editor to share a newly designed website.

I have an idea for a new feature that would make Publit better. How can I contact you to make requests?

Please contact us at with your feature requests and ideas. We take your input very seriously, and we read every email that is sent to us. Our goal is to continue to improve Publit with your input.

It appears that Publit is only available for American consumers. When will Publit be available worldwide?

We will soon make Publit available worldwide. Please add your email to our mailing list for the latest announcements.

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